Saturday 26 January 2013

Blackberry looking at licensing BB10 ?

Blackberry looking at licensing BB10 ?
We kinda saw it coming...RIM could license BB10 to other manufacturers
The end of the proprietary device slash ecosystem has long been coming. And apparently we just got news of one of the last great proprietary device joining the herd. With the BB10 launch just ten days away, RIM CEO, Thorsten Heins, told German newspaper Die Welt that he has not ruled out licensing the new OS to other manufacturers.
He defended the long wait for BB10 to reach the markets, saying “We have taken the time to build a platform that is future-proof for the next ten years. Our aim is not only to smartphones, but also to the use, for example, in cars that will be in the future increasingly networked. We see with BlackBerry 10 completely new areas of growth. And he seemed to hint at targeting new segments for growth saying “We are a relatively young industry. In the smartphone market, which is growing fast, so there is still plenty of room. It will be shown at some point, how many systems the market can bear. Im assuming that well play with BlackBerry 10 is not just a role. I think our role will be substantial”.
Heins did hint, though, the whole aspect was undergoing a strategic review, since the platform would need to be a winner before they optioned alliances. “Before you licensed the software, you must show that the platform has a large potential. First we have to fulfill our promises. If such proof, a licensing is conceivable. But there is no reason for us to decide in [haste]. It is important first of all, BlackBerry 10 successfully putting them on the market. Then we shall see.”
BBM on your S3? A few month from now, perhaps….
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